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        David Walker

        Finding poetic beauty

            ost of my paintings have
        Mthe built environment
        as their subject. Once I identify
        a place, I will take numerous
        photographs and make some
        sketches. I usually have an
        intuitive feeling about the
        place, but I need to explore it
        for some time before I arrive at
        a composition that captures the
        feeling I had.  is may involve

        some editing or adjustments to
        the view to enhance the impact
        whilst retaining its essence.
        Light and the quality of light
        are usually key factors in the
        piece, as the subjects are often
        fairly mundane in themselves.
        I try to avoid grand, heroic
        places and I am nearly always

        striving to  nd a simple poetic
        beauty in the paintings.
         I am careful with the
        placement of the drawing on
        the paper, whilst trying not
        to draw too much. I think of
        the major shapes in abstract
        terms such that they form a
        satisfying composition before
        the introduction of any detail.
         I start with general washes
        to establish the warmer tones   colour, variety of edges, sharp,   Morning in the City, watercolour, 47 x 47 cm (18½ x 18½")

        and highlights. I use a limited   soft and tonal accuracy whilst   The financial district of London, “the City,” has an interesting variety of
        palette, usually with a warm   always being on the lookout   buildings. I was struck by the church nestled between two corporate
        and cool version of the three   for unintentional events and   buildings and its blank street frontage. I made some changes to the shadow
        primaries. I sometimes add   mistakes that I can use to the   cast across the building. I wanted a strong wandering line to cut across
        burnt sienna and burnt umber   advantage of the painting.   the intricate architectural detail. I also liked the idea of the activity in the
                                              painting happening within the dark shadow area.

        for darkening and, occasionally,    e  nal stage is selectively

        viridian green.  e detail is   enhancing detail and adding
        built up with washes, taking   subtle glazes to adjust colour
        care to maintain the balance of   and value.

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