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WATER-   COLOUR  AUSTRALIA        Cold pressed paper is the middle ground

        WORKSHOP                      paper—not too rough and not completely
                                       smooth. It is good for most subjects and

        John Lovett

        Just a Piece of Paper

        John Lovett provides insight on
        watercolour paper, including sizing,
        texture and weight

            e have all heard it said when things   content from wood pulp or a mixture of   sizing acts a bit like blotting paper and
        Wjust aren’t going right, “It’s just a   wood pulp and cotton or linen  fibers.  makes lifting off pigment more difficult.
        piece of paper, don’t worry about it.” In this
        article, we are going to look at that piece of   Sizing  Texture
        paper and  find out exactly what it is we are   Sizing watercolor paper reduces its   Watercolor paper falls into three basic
        painting on.              absorbency. Natural animal-derived gelatin   textures—rough; cold pressed, sometimes
         The best quality watercolor papers are   sizing is preferred, but chemical sizing   called “not” (medium texture); and
        acid free and made from 100% cotton   is also used. Sizing is added to the paper   hot pressed (smooth texture). There is
          fiber. These papers are usually buffered   pulp during manufacturing. Once the   no standard for texture, so what one
        with calcium carbonate to keep the   paper has been removed from the mold   manufacturer calls rough may be similar to
        pH level slightly alkaline. They can be   and dried, external sizing is also applied   another manufacturer’s cold pressed.
        hand-made or mold made, but generally   usually by dipping the sheet into a sizing   Rough paper allows for maximum
        not machine made. Lower quality and   mixture. Heavily sized paper tends to resist   pigment granulation, but the paper
        student grade watercolor papers are usually   the paint and makes large, even washes   appears slightly darker than smoother
        machine made and derive their cellulose   difficult to achieve. Paper with too little   papers due to the shadows cast by the

        Most manufacturers produce these three common textures—rough, cold pressed and hot pressed—in a number of different weights.


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