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P. 94

Every Good Gift, watercolor, 7 x 10" (18 x 25 cm)
        Just outside my studio window are several bird feeders and a birdbath. When the light is good, I’m able to take reference photos right through the
        window. This was the source for my little Carolina wren in Every Good Gift. When painting birds I aim for a loose accuracy in describing the feathers and
        markings. This involves suggesting feather groups and not attempting to paint every detail. I chose to abstract the background and created some texture by
        spattering with both paint and water. A hint of the background colors are echoed in the wren’s feathers for unity.


        each workshop experience.  spontaneity and control. The result is a joining of   (North Light Books). Crouch has also created
         Describing her process and inspiration,   realistic and interpretive elements. My primary   designs as a freelance artist for the DaySpring
        Crouch says, “My paintings are a response to the   focus is on light and its ability to transform the   division of Hallmark Cards.
        beauty and love of God as he reveals himself in   ordinary into the extraordinary, but the longer I   Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Crouch and
        creation. I begin with preliminary sketches to   paint the more I realize—it’s all extraordinary.”  her husband currently live in Statesville, North Carolina.
        determine composition, values and color. Once   Crouch is a signature member of the Watercolor   Contact at:
        these decisions are in place, I follow where the   Society of North Carolina. She has been published
        painting leads me. I work primarily in transparent   in Splash 12: Celebrating Artistic Vision, Splash 14:
        watercolor because its character allows for both   Light and Color and Splash 18: Value/Light and Dark

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