Page 93 - International Artist2 110
P. 93
Everyday Graces, watercolor, 14 x 20¾" (35½ x 53 cm)
My photo reference for Everyday Graces included a large group of coneflowers in front of a brick wall. What caught my eye was the backlight and
strong value contrast in the petals. I cropped the photo to focus on the three most interesting flowers and eliminated the brick background. My
biggest challenge was how to describe the centers. After trying several techniques, I settled on wetting the cone area and floating in a wash of
quinacridone burnt orange along with a few other colors. When this dried, I used a damp brush to lift out the lighter shapes.
Susan Crouch has been painting in watercolor Crouch’s painting shifted from being a hobby
since 1992. She was introduced to this medium to a more focused pursuit when she began
in a beginners’ watercolor class under the exhibiting at outdoor art shows. For 12 years,
instruction of Edrie Knight. Workshops she and her husband traveled on weekends to
provided Crouch’s continuing education and art festivals throughout the Southeast. During
she’s grateful for the opportunity to have this time, Crouch began receiving requests
studied with many nationally known artists, to teach watercolor workshops. She has been
including Cheng-Khee Chee, Frederick Graff, instructing now for six years and enjoys the
and Brenda Swenson. mutual learning opportunity that takes place in
MasterPainter-Susan Crouch.indd 92 6/22/16 11:15 AM