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        Michele Poirier Mozzone

        Mixing Realism and Abstraction

        Michele Poirier Mozzone’s series of underwater figures
        melds two styles through sunlight rays and water distortion

            alking the line between realism and
        Wabstraction intrigues me in my series
        of underwater figurative paintings titled
        Fractured Light. Watercolor was my medium
        of choice for many years after earning my
        Bachelor of Fine Arts in college. My paintings
        were controlled and rather tight—mostly still
        life and florals. Painting lost its appeal for me
        after a while and I began to move away from
        art and into other creative avenues. Six years
        ago, I tried soft pastel, took some excellent
        workshops and began to have fun again!
        When I found I could combine my first
        love, watercolor, with the expressiveness and
        immediacy of pastel, I was completely hooked!
         The last few years have been an intensely
        focused period of creative rebirth for me.
        I have pushed myself to experiment with the
        medium and my process. Shortly after I started
        using pastel, I decided my creativity needed
        a kick in the pants, so for a few months
        I painted completely abstract works without
        any planning—just free-flow abstraction.
        It was one of the most difficult, frustrating
        periods for me. Besides a new appreciation
        for good abstract art, I came away with many
        mediocre paintings and a feeling that maybe
        this was a waste of time. I still hadn’t hit upon
        anything that I felt could lead me into a series
        of successful paintings I was in a creative rut.
         One exceptionally beautiful afternoon at
        the pool in 2011, I was struck by the ribbons

           These Changes 5, pastel, 26 x 16" (66 x 41 cm)
           This painting was awarded First Prize at the
         Providence Art Club’s 2016 Members’ Exhibition.
           It was important to me to achieve that strong
         sunlight shining down on this figure. Much of the
        initial writing/scribbling stage is evident in this one.


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