Page 108 - International Artist2 110
P. 108
Mixing Realism and Abstraction
Michele Poirier Mozzone’s series of underwater figures
melds two styles through sunlight rays and water distortion
These Changes 4, pastel, 26 x 16" (66 x 41 cm) New Direction, pastel, 26 x 16" (66 x 41 cm)
This series of tall paintings, titled These Changes, feature a female figure This must be what a sand crab’s-eye view is like! From just below the surface of shallow
as she is distorted through moving water—a metaphor here for distorted water, I played with patterns of ripples and a complementary palette. I enjoyed the
body image issues and the effects of the passage of time. I had plenty to exaggerated perspective of this one.
write with my pastel pencils on these!
of sunlight and interesting distortions abstract passages of color and texture alongside out any design problems and composition
affecting my daughter through the moving gestural representation. I enjoy intuitively with a thumbnail sketch done in black
water. I was also keenly aware of catching exploring patterns, mark making and the ballpoint pen in my sketchbook. If the
this lovely, brief moment with her before it interplay of colors, but I also love painting painting will be large or is a new subject
flickered by. I grabbed my camera and took the figure. For me, this series is a metaphor for me, I will do a small color study as well.
numerous photos of her in the water in hopes for the passing of time. Water is the vehicle These are crucial steps that need not take a
of using them in a painting. Then it hit me— for transformation, cleansing, renewal and lot of time. I have found that planning out
what if I tried to incorporate an image of the change while thoughts, aspirations and energy my composition, values and general color
figure in water into my abstract paintings? emanate as bubbles and rise to meet the palette allows me to be more confident,
That was the beginning of an exploration outside world. Each figure is captured reacting take more risks and trust my intuition when
that still fascinates me today. I no longer use to a moment in this altered, weightless state. I begin the actual painting—even if that
old abstract paintings as a base, but those My working process for Alliance, like all means making changes along the way.
early pieces taught me that I am drawn to my paintings, starts with composition. I work I lightly sketch the composition onto my
Pastel Demonstration 107
Michele Mozzone_Demo.indd 107 6/29/16 12:46 PM