Page 60 - International Artist2 110
P. 60
Mirror #8, oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm (35 x 35") This is from a recent project titled Mirror. They are large portraits of beautiful women, all staring at the viewer.
me with a life-size figure. In this case, more confidently. It turned out a little painting, expressive and colorful alla prima
I decided to go for 120 centimeters high and bit warm in general, so I decided to add studies. And while that will hardly change,
80 centimeters wide (47 by 31 inches). Prussian blue to my palette. It’s a very I find it important to have a set of specific
Before starting on the final piece, strong color in mixing, so it kept my strategies when I need specific results.
I painted a head study. That way I could “saturated warm tendencies” in check Calculated composition and planning the
elaborate ideas of color, textural approach throughout the painting. process ahead gives me a solid framework to
and stylistic choices. It also gave me a To sum it up, I believe the approach and work with. With that, I feel that I can have
moment to practice capturing his likeness style derive from years of self-assessment. the necessary freedom in painting without
and expression, heading to the final piece I take great pleasure from freedom in losing the initial intent of the artwork.
Oil Demonstration 59
Theo Felizzola.indd 59 6/22/16 11:11 AM