Page 56 - International Artist2 110
P. 56

My Art in the Making                                WHAT THE ARTIST USED
                   g M
        Playing Monopoly
           his painting, Playing
        TMonopoly, was created from
                , was created from
        a photograph of my grandkids
        playing the old game that we                          he colors listed below, among others,
        played when we were kids.                            Twere used in my painting Playing Monopoly.
                                                             The dimensions of the piece are 60 by 48 inches.
                                                             When I use smaller canvases, especially when
                                                             doing portraits, I’ll stretch my own with portrait
                                                             linen, size with rabbit skin glue and prime with
                                                             oil base primer.
                                                              I used a variety of brushes to include a 2-inch
                                                             regular house paintbrush for laying in color
                                   STAGE 1                   blocks, a variety of filberts, rounds and flats
                                      GE 1

                                   SKETCHING AND             down to a tiny brush for small detail work.
                                   BLOCKING                  I use Escoda brushes and Rosemary mongoose
                                   The first stage of the painting is   brushes. My medium of choice is walnut oil,
                                   getting the composition mapped
                                   out in vine charcoal and laying in   only when necessary. Gamsol by Gamblin is
                                   some basic fields of color in a thin   used to clean brushes between colors.
                                   wash that I hoped would lend a
                                   sense of color harmony to the
                                   piece. I also wanted to have the
                                   eye connection of the youngest
                                   granddaughter in black tights
                                   to be engaged with the viewer.
                                                             Complementary Color Fields
                                                             visually resonate/vibrate

                                                             This is a sampling of complementary color fields
                STAGE 2                                      with similar values using the following colors:
           PROPORTIONS                                          » Alizarin crimson
         In stage two I’m starting                              » Quinacridone magenta
         to make corrections to the                             » Chromium green deep
         drawing with paint as well                             » Sap green
                                                                » Cadmium deep red
          as defining the darkest                               » Cadmium orange red
         values, such as in the hair,                           » Cadmium yellow deep
          bodies, and carpet. My                                » Yellow ochre
        focus at this point is on the                        Others include:
         bodies to make sure they                               » Ultramarine blue
         are proportionally correct.                            » Cadmium red light
                                                                » Quiacridone purple
                                                                » Flake white or zinc white
                                                                » Indian yellow
                                                                        Oil Demonstration  55

   Kathleen Lack_Demo 4.indd   55                                                 6/17/16   12:15 PM
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