Page 111 - International Artist2 110
P. 111

Realization, pastel, 12 x 12" (30 x 30 cm)
        This was the first in a series of “selfie” paintings from below the water surface looking up. It was a good excuse to get
        loose with abstract passages of color and movement. I love how the rays of sun add sparkle and life.

        gradually building up layers of warms and   The final stage of a painting always gets   would not make it any more successful.
        cools in the skin looks most realistic. Details   nitpicky and it is sometimes hard to know   Rediscovering my love of art over the last
        can now come into focus. The color of the   when to stop, put down the pastel and   few years has been such a gift. My advice for
        pool floor is problematic for me. I have a   walk away. In this painting, my final steps   someone on their own journey—whether
        difficult time resolving just how dark and   are to restate some of the darks, echo the   getting back into art or developing a new
        grayed-down to go with it while not losing   colors up through the reflection and add   interest—would be to get out of your
        the figures in it. A mingling of purple, gray-  more sparkle to the bubbles. I feel I have   comfort zone and try new things. Frustrating
        blue and green does the trick and warming   accomplished what I wanted to say with   as it may be, you may find, as I did, that
        up the edges of sunlight on the floor with   this painting and even though some areas   it will take your work to the next level and
        greenish-yellow gives it a nice glow.  are not fully rendered, further tinkering   provide a new path of creative exploration!


   Michele Mozzone_Demo.indd   110                                                6/29/16   12:47 PM
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