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        Kristine Nason

        Informed by Observation and Study

        Kristine Nason uses her experiences and knowledge of anatomy
        and drawing to paint emotive equestrian works

         grew up in the English countryside   I learned to translate this knowledge into my   In my early days, I reveled in the power of
        I  where horses were the backdrop to my   art. Time passed, my skills developed and I   the pencil, and I still value drawing as an
        childhood, and I’ve always been enthralled   utilized those principles as I experimented   end in itself. I work with oil, acrylic and
        by them. I didn’t have any formal training   with other media: now everything I do is   watercolour too, but my skill level is highest
        in fine art, but my great-grandfather, a   informed by the years of observation and   as a watercolourist. I know and exploit its
        professional artist, taught me to draw from   study, the sound knowledge of anatomy and   qualities well—in fact it was the gift of a
        an early age. He encouraged me to observe   the drawing skills I learned as a child.  box of watercolours that set me on the road
        the grace of movement and form, and to   Working as an equestrian artist, I now   to being a professional artist, following a
        appreciate how emotion can be conveyed   realise that the image of a horse can be a   successful career in advertising and fine art
        through an image. And so it was, that   metaphor for many things, and for any   publishing. I’ve developed my own ways
        almost as soon as I could hold a pencil    personal projection someone assigns to it.   of using this medium. For me it’s all about
        I learned to feel and remember every   In my work, I want to capture a moment   control and only serendipitous when I want
        contour of the horse, the tenderness of a   of beauty, a feeling that speaks to the deep   it to be! Without thinking, I can reach for
        muzzle, the scent of grass on warm breath,   emotions within, and I love knowing that   colours on my palette and know exactly how
        the exhilaration and connection of being at   something I’ve created can enrich the lives of   they will mix or react and how transparent
        one with a beautiful sentient creature; and    people who choose to live with it.  or opaque they will be. For expressive,


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