Page 87 - International Artist2 110
P. 87

                                       I applied blue masking fluid with a mapping pen to areas where I wanted to preserve the
        STAGE 1 THE DRAWING            white of the paper—borders, and individual hairs mainly. I’ve also made some marks
        After completing preliminary work from sketches, the   with colored pencil, where I don’t need to mask but I do want to define certain areas. I’ve
        drawing was traced on to watercolour paper, and   tentatively put on some light tones and colours in paint, after finding the appropriate
        I reestablished the lines with a 2B pencil.  mixes by testing them on a spare piece of paper that I’ve taped to the side of my board.

                                                              STAGE 4
                                                              BUILDING THE TONES
                                                              I’m building tones and values layer by
                                                              layer, feeling the three-dimensionality
                                                              of Delfin’s face in my mind as I work. The
                                                              noseband is initially painted in Indian red
                                                              and Winsor violet—a mix I use often for
                                                              shadow areas. The black in the nostrils
                                                              gives me a taste of the darkest value of
                                                              this artwork, and it will help me judge
                                                              other values as I build my layers. In the
                                                              photograph is the only brush I’m using at
                                                              this stage.
                                                                Looking at the eyes, the lashes and
                                                              highlights have been masked. The edges
                                                              of the eye are burnt umber and the pupil
                                                              is deepest black (cadmium red with
        STAGE 3 STARTING TO PAINT                             Winsor blue).
                                                              Winsor blue).
        The eyes are underpainted with burnt umber,
        and inside the ears I’ve used quinacridones
        and a mix of burnt umber and shadow violet.
        The front of the neck has a mix of quinacridone
        gold and deep gold, reflecting local colour from
        Delfin’s surroundings when I photographed
        him. I’m starting to find and define the
        anatomical features with quiet mixes.


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