Page 80 - International Artist2 110
P. 80

Freggaten Jylland, oil and graphite on wood panel, 61 x 61 cm, (24 x 24")
        My father passed away while working on this model of the Danish steam frigate Jylland. I found the boat like this, upturned, scuttled, after he had passed,
        which was very symbolic. This painting is to honour him, and a way to “complete” what my father had started. It is a very personal painting. It is painted quite
        realistically, more so than many of my other paintings. I used photographic reference as always, and used graphite pencil to render the text of the blueprints
        while the underlying paint layer was drying. It took about 40 hours of work.

          paint in a realistic, representational   I can see all of the colours and intricacies.   underneath and a razor to scrape off used
        I  style, primarily with a figurative subject   I begin with a simple pencil sketch of the   paint. I mix all of my own colours from
        matter. I begin each painting with a series   composition, or more detailed if there are a   primaries to black. Titanium white is the
        of photographs of my model, whether   lot of nuances, folds, waves, etc. I do not do   only white on my palette. I begin in an area
        a person, still life or landscape. While   an underpainting but prefer to get right into   of interest, and will sometimes resolve an
        painting, I have at least 10 different images   the painting process.  entire area completely or work around the
        of detailed areas of my composition so    I paint on a glass palette with white paper   whole painting. It depends on the day, my

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