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P. 73


        Mustafa Günen

        Imagined Places

        Using knowledge of the ocean and other natural elements,
        Mustafa Günen paints vast and realistic seascapes

                                                            was always fascinated by the water’s
                                                           I  instability; and I am sensitive to the
                                                           slightest change of level, and I find that it
                                                           eludes all definition. I developed my own oil
                                                           painting artistic style independently over years
                                                           to achieve my sole aim: to be the foremost
                                                           artist at painting the sea. When people look
                                                           at my paintings, I not only want them to
                                                           see them but also make them feel as if they
                                                           were in them. I usually take imaginary walks
                                                           in my photographs and am always inspired
                                                           by them. For instance, I really liked the rock
                                                           formations in the Grand Canyon and blended
                                                           them into a sea painting. There have been
                                                           times when I was so inspired by a pond after
        Running to the rock, oil on canvas, 110 x 200 cm (43 x 79")  a heavy rain that I imagined it as the ocean,
        In this work is a composition from Black Sea—the roughest sea of Turkey. The sea was calm. I added   and then expressed it on the canvas. In other
        the rocky formation in the middle and then I placed exaggerated waves.
                                                           words, most of my paintings are the fruit of
                                                           my imagination.
                                                           My Design and
                                                           Composition Tactics
                                                           I never draw any composition that I’ve
                                                           designed or will make use of on the canvas
                                                           before painting, including objects like
                                                           humans, animals, boats, houses, etc. I directly
                                                           prepare the paint and decide where the light
                                                           (sky, horizon) should come from and what
                                                           is there in the background, and from that
                                                           point I start painting. Starting from the
                                                           background, I move to the front and
                                                           I paint the canvas with the draft colors of
                                                           the composition and cover it all. If the paint
                                                           I am going to mix covers a large area on the
                                                           canvas, and if I feel a bit lazy, I simply squeeze
                                                           the paint tubes one by one onto the canvas
        Lonely Boat, oil on canvas, 100 x 140 cm (39 x 55")  and then mix them with a brush; thus I paint
        This painting shows a view from the southern coastline. Here, originally the beach was short and   the space. The color I spread on the canvas is
        narrow. I made it rather wide and painted the beach wet as if it was hit by a storm.  always right and I have never changed color


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