Page 72 - International Artist2 110
P. 72
Artisan Cheese, oil on
linen mounted on birch
panel, 40 x 30 cm (16 x 12")
Finally, I allow myself to
really “open my eyes”
and seek out the most
important details that
will add to the painting
but not confuse the
image or break up the
large forms of light
and shadow. I am very
selective at this stage.
Laura Thompson is a classically trained oil painter, her work was preselected for Figurativas en Red 2013; provide constant inspiration for new works.
born in 1968 in Toronto, Canada. Thompson’s and a discussion with actor Jeremy Irons on the Thompson’s works are in private collections
paintings include portraits, figures, landscapes importance of protecting seed sovereignty because throughout Canada, USA, Germany, Holland and Italy.
and still life. Her art reflects the solid foundation of her series of portraits of the people/farmers who Contact at
of her classical realist atelier training as an alumni attended Salone del Gusto in Torino, Italy.
of the Florence Academy of Art, which provided After many years in her Niagara, Ontario,
education in the 19 -century French academic studio, she and her husband, sculptor Frank
method while also allowing for many forms of Rekrut, decided to move to Florence, Italy, in
expression and styles in a variety of subjects. 2010 where they now share a studio in the
Working in oil using traditional methods, beautiful historic center of Florence and enjoy
Thompson has explored a variety of subjects so teaching workshops and classes in both painting
diverse that they have allowed for an exhibition on and sculpting at their atelier, The Florence
human rights at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Studio. The creative atmosphere of Florence,
Justice & Human Rights; a visit to Barcelona, Spain, to the contrast of modern and ancient design, the
the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) where historic architecture and Renaissance art all
Oil Demonstration 71
Laura Thompson_Demo.indd 71 6/29/16 5:21 PM