Page 124 - International Artist2 110
P. 124

Narek, mixed media, 8 x 10" (20 x 25 cm)
        When I saw this hare captured in its natural habitat, it was the way that the fur caught the light, the look in the hare’s eye and the overall anticipation of movement
        that gave me desire to re-create it in a textural way.

        I work mainly in oils as they are versatile   help convey the characteristics of fur    The use of a palette knife to apply paint
        and forgiving if adjustments need to be   and feathers: the use of oils over paper   on top of the paper recreates the layers and
        made, but through training, exploration   can create the layers of fur; torn paper can   stiffness of the tufts of neck hair, whereas the
        and experimentation, I have learnt how   reflect a fringe of feathers.   use of torn frayed edges of the handmade
        using mixed media in the right places   Notice with Gentle Giant the addition of   paper on the ossicones (the giraffe’s horns),
        can help add dimension, texture, colour,   handmade paper on the face, over the top of   captures the wisps of hair successfully.
        emotion and movement to a piece. I have   my original painting out, has added depth as   Throughout all my paintings, I am
        found using oils with various mediums,   well as creating the soft, velvet surface of the   constantly looking back to the reference
        especially handmade paper, together    giraffe’s coat, whilst the veins of the paper have   photo. I am looking at the contrast between
        with different application techniques, can   mimicked the veins and muscle of the giraffe.   the light and dark areas, the shapes and

                                                                  Mixed Media Demonstration  123

   Claire Groves_Demo.indd   123                                                  6/17/16   1:47 PM
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