Page 126 - International Artist2 110
P. 126
Shey, oil, 20 x 16" (50 x 40 cm)
A dog portrait commission where a plain
background was chosen to enhance the subject.
made me realise that something was missing. already learnt, means my work and style is
The canvas needed another dimension to always evolving, just like the natural world.
really make you connect with him, and This enables me to achieve my aim of
enable you to imagine he was standing in creating commissions/paintings where the
the wild. The addition of a few acacia tree audience can relate to the piece of art both
branches, following my gut feeling as to physically; they can stroke the fur, the silky
when to stop, was the solution. feathers and mentally as they can imagine
With each piece being worked on over the hare’s nose is going to twitch as it sniffs
a period of time, letting stages dry, working the air, the giraffe is going to blink and stick
as the desire or inspiration hits me, out its tongue to get more leaves and the cat Teezle, oil, 20 x 8" (50 x 20 cm)
experimenting with new ideas whilst drawing is emerging from the foliage: connection This study shows how light and dark can
on the experiences and techniques I’ve between the animal kingdom and us. create form, shape and contrast in textures.
Mixed Media Demonstration 125
Claire Groves_Demo.indd 125 6/17/16 1:49 PM