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P. 119
My Art in the Making Bolducs brillants
took this picture last Christmas when the picture, and I like challenges. a deliberate step toward the completion
I my wife, Lysiane, packed the presents Although this painting could be of a painting. In my eyes, this photo is
intended for our children and our grandson. executed in oil, I decided to use pastel not a work of art, but it is a tool, a solid
I put the spools on various grounds, as I have great con dence in the ability basis to create the painting. I will not feel
including silver and gold metallic paper, of this medium to render brilliance. My ashamed to use it and even to copy it since
took several photos and settled for this one purpose is to have the nal pastel painting it replaces the actual subject, which is too
with the gold ground. I was fascinated by as close as possible of the reference photo. small to be used as a model. On top of
the rich colors and the splendid re ections. I consider that the photo is the genuine that, a good photo has the advantage of
is was also a challenge to render the warm image of the real thing I observed. I did guaranteeing a stable light over the few
atmosphere and the metallic complexity of not take this photo by chance. is was days necessary to complete the pastel.
This reference photo is
part of a series dedicated
to bolducs. The bolduc
is a wrapping ribbon
we frequently use to
embellish presents.
The word originates in
the city of Bois-le-Duc
now located in the
Surface and Materials
» Brown-tinted pastel paper mounted on
a 22-by-22-inch MDF board
» Rotating easel by Mabef. This clever
device enables you to reach all parts of
the picture without pain nor strain
» Lightweight wood homemade maulstick
» Pastel pencils in a variety of brands
» Pastel sticks in a variety of brands
» Conté charcoal pencil (hard)
» Conté white pencil (hard)
FrancoisMalnati.indd 118 6/22/16 11:21 AM