Page 120 - International Artist2 110
P. 120

                                                          The reference photo is rectangular. I find
                                                          that a square format is preferable. It
                                                          imparts more power to the composition.
                                                            Besides, if you consider the bolducs and
                                                          their reflection on the gold paper foil, you
                                                          will notice that this forms a square within
                                                          a square, a dream composition—the most
                                                          compact and strongest you could imagine.
                                                            I use a sheet of pastel card mounted
                                                          on a 22-by-22-inch MDF panel. I trace the
                                                          outline with a hard white pastel pencil.
                                                          Since the drawing is relatively easy to
                                                          do, I do not resort to any grid system or
                                                          projection, which I usually use for pictures
                                                          that are more complex.

        This stage is pivotal as it corresponds to the   correctly balanced. The drawing is solidified   I feel confident and encouraged to forge
        very fundament of the painting. This is a   through the indication of values. Now I have   ahead in search of the maximum brilliance.
        complete drawing concentrating on values.   an invaluable value map guiding me during   This drawing is a road map helping me
        I use a carbon pencil and start with the   the following steps. Thanks to the hardness   to add the color layers on the right spot
        darkest darks. Then I draw the intermediate   of the pencils, the drawing will be fully   without having to resort constantly to
        nuances. Same thing with the white pencil;   compatible with the subsequent colored   the reference photo. Values are clearly
        I start with the lightest lights and continue   layers. No need to spray any pastel fixative.  indicated. Although such a preparatory   Continued
        with the softer lights.    This important step gives an overall idea of   value sketch is not necessary, I find this
         By squinting I check whether the values are   what the final painting will look like. Now    saves time in the end.

                                                                      Pastel Demonstration  119

   FrancoisMalnati.indd   119                                                     6/22/16   11:21 AM
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