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P. 115
François Malnati
Looking for Brilliance
François Malnati strives to depict still life subjects
in unusual and inventive ways
am a self-taught artist who developed day and take part in a fairly large number of art demands to study the biography of the
I his artistic career alongside his main exhibitions in France and abroad. painter and to analyse the way the painting
occupation in international banking. This Since my early teenage years, I knew that was done. You have to understand how the
professional life included a stay of several my personal style would be figurative and drawing, the underpainting, the different
years in New York City. This allowed me would rely on a strong drawing structure. layers of paint and the final glazing were laid
to revel in the hyperactive artistic life of I learned a lot by copying paintings in before you even think of starting to draw
this world-class city. It has not been easy museums—in particular the Museum of and paint. Then it takes several weeks or
to improve my style and to market my Strasbourg, in France, where I could copy, months to complete the painting respecting
paintings while dedicating most of my time among others, a painting by 17 -century the drying time in between sittings. To put
to my main source of revenue. Painting artist Simon Vouet and 19 -century artist it simply, this is a concentrated art academy
seriously is a full-time job. It is easier now Dubufé. I strongly recommend resorting to as well from the historical and from the
that I am retired. Finally, I can paint every this practice. Copying an ancient work of technical point of view.
FrancoisMalnati.indd 114 6/22/16 11:20 AM