Page 76 - Winter Issue
P. 76
Mariaceleste Arena lives and works in Sicily. She mainly paints and draws fantastic and
surreal subjects, combining traditional and digital techniques, and is mainly inspired by
fantastic animals and outsider art. She has exhibited and published in national and
international exhibitions and art magazines.
‘’I make art because it is the most sincere way I have and probably the only way I want to express
myself. In the current creative period, I'm creating anthropomorphic animals, especially elephants,
whose I'd learned to understand their symbolic meaning linked in some way to the identity of the
territory where I'm living. I also often give shape to my nightmares, and my fears, but also to the
positive emotions that often have insects as symbolic references. I believe that in Art there are no
"arrival points", but always and only starting points, where the aim is not to achieve a particular
purpose, but where the most important moment is precisely the creative one.’’
Tribute to Cammarata and Pietrini II Tribute to Cammarata and Pietrini IV
Watercolors, markers and bic pens on paper, 29.7x21cm, 2024 Watercolors, markers and bic pens on paper, 29.7x21cm, 2024