Page 72 - Winter Issue
P. 72
scientific accuracy whilst others are vice versa. The How have their ideas shaped your work?
finding of this balance is found through meticulous Many, I could easily go over the word count here. The
experimentation and thinking about how the idea in pivotal artists that shaped my practice would be Antony
question could most effectively be communicated Gormley’s drawing works and Katie Paterson’s
through an ‘Informative Encounter’. conceptual approach but their ideas resonated so much
As an artist, you often challenge perceptions of with my work. Science and an endless list of Scientific
scale and size, exploring the vastness of the thinkers are a huge influence on my work of course. With
universe and the minuteness of molecular science endeavors evolving and becoming more complex
structures. What emotions or thoughts do you all the time, so too does my work evolve and attempt to
aim to evoke in your audience? translate complex ideas.
When exploring either of these ends of the spectrum, my What do you do to keep yourself motivated and
work aims to communicate curiosity and wonder with interested in your work?
awe. Because artworks are a reflection of the artist’s Sounds ironic but take breaks. Whether that be a day, a
emotions these three I would say are the ones I week, or sometimes a month. Nobody can work on art
experience when I read/research the subject matter. As 24/7 effectively. When I come back, I’m fully motivated
mentioned previously with the technique of an again. The other main factor would be continuing to
‘Informative Encounter’ in my work, the artworks want to explore ideas and theories within science which I’m
stimulate these sorts of emotions when interacting with a naturally curious about and then trying to visualize them
viewer. within an artwork.
Do you create to understand or do you express
what you have already learned? Or is it some
Guard - Macrophage
combination of both? Indian Ink & Ink on Watercolour Paper,
It’s a combination of them both. Most of my work aims to 29.7x21cm, 2022
achieve some kind of ‘Informative Encounter’ with the
audience. A gain in scientific information through the use
of a visual medium. Of course, I’ve already learned about
the subject matter whilst making the artwork but there
have been a few subjects I’ve understood more through
creating the work.
What does it mean to be original or unique
(referring to art)?
Tricky. Nothing in art is original, it’s always been
influenced by something else. Think of it more like a tree
constantly growing. I’m just another branch growing off
the influence of previous works and artists. To be unique,
again tricky. Sounds simple but I would say just be
yourself and stay true to what you want to create and
your ideas.
Is the end result more important than the
process? Or the process?
Equal within my practice. To stimulate the informative
encounter I mentioned earlier, the artwork needs to
translate the scientific information visually so that the
audience can access that information. Then, of course,
there’s the end product which serves as the catalyst for
the informative encounter.
Does art have a purpose?
Indeed. However, an artwork’s purpose can be decided
by the artist or viewer. The list is endless in terms of what
art has been made for over the centuries.