Page 71 - Winter Issue
P. 71
How do you balance the integration of scientific learn about a subject matter in the process. The
information with artistic expression in your work? additional bonus is I then get to display that artwork in
It depends on the work and subject matter. Quite often it’s either an exhibition or publication like this one.
about trying to visualise something from large amounts of Nature and our place within the universe seem to
data and information which can be quite overwhelming. be recurring themes in your art. What draws you to
However, by making the subject visual, it appears as explore these subjects, and how do you hope your
though we can attempt to understand it with a little more audience will respond to them?
ease. The combination of scientific information with This aspect of my work can be traced back to myself asking
artwork and then trying to communicate that through an myself constantly ‘What’s our place within this cosmos?’.
‘Informative Encounter’ was the basis of my Master’s thesis Honestly, I don’t mind if the answer turns out to be
and something which I continue to actively work with and something like we are insignificant, it’s the asking of the
push the boundaries within my practice. question that’s the fun part for me due to all the learning
- New Knowledge involved to get to the answer (which will probably never be
- New Viewpoints / Impossible Viewpoints answered). When it comes to the audience, this is a
- Comprehension question I like to leave open, what do they feel their place
- Visualising Data is in our cosmos?
- Collapsing Distances Moving to Leeds to study Fine Art and completing
- Answering Questions your Postgraduate Degree there must have
- Open Up Conversations influenced your artistic journey. Can you share how
- Condensing Information your time in Leeds has shaped your artistic vision?
- A Catalyst for information 100%. My studies for my Bachelor's and Masters's Degrees
- Understanding or attempting to Understand in Leeds have shaped my practice to become what it is
The ten characteristics stated are the result of today. The way I like to think of it is my Bachelor's laid the
investigations conducted during my master's degree in foundations of my practice by guiding me to different
attempting to understand ‘The Informative Encounter’ as a subject matters which fascinated me and created work
methodology of working. Similarities between all of them based on those interests. My Master built a superstructure
can be made in the sense of them all being used to try and on top of those foundations by focusing on how the subject
understand or attempt to understand an entity, process, or matter should be communicated and spending time to
scientific data. So much so that ‘Understanding or develop the theory of an ‘Informative Encounter’
attempting to understand’ is its characteristic and I would methodology of working.
say the basis of my artistic expression is I’m trying to Have you noticed any differences in how viewers
understand a subject matter just as much as the audience from different regions or cultures interpret and
through my artworks. Every piece of work within my engage with your art?
practice conforms to one or more of the characteristics Yes. People from all walks of life have now encountered my
above. However, sometimes the work itself will not be able work and it’s interesting to see the different responses I’ve
to communicate the entirety of the subject matter. Instead, gotten from the variety of work and development of trying
it could offer snippets to the viewer, enough to open up to stimulate the ‘Informative Encounter’ with the audience.
conversations that may lead them to further research the Above all else, the most important aspect for me is that the
subject matter. work so far has opened up conversations between the
What is the most rewarding aspect of being an audience out of general curiosity about the subject matter
artist for you? and wanting to learn more.
There are so many aspects that I feel are rewarding being The combination of fine art and science is unique in
an artist however I would say it offers a playground for your work. How do you strike a balance between
expression and exploration. With my practice, I artistic expression and scientific accuracy, especially
incorporate ideas from nature and science which I’m when dealing with complex scientific concepts?
curious about and want to explore further and visually The artwork itself doesn’t necessarily have to be visually
conduct investigations into them which then produce my accurate as long as it remains true to aspects of the
artworks. As a child, I often liked looking through books scientific information that spawned the work. The balance
with lots of images, they felt like windows to something and line between the two subjects shifts for each work with
else. Now being an artist I can create my windows but also some being more artistic expression than