Page 13 - International Artist2 110
P. 13


        Martin Taylor
        Dorset, U.K., Garfitti Five, dry media,
        60 x 42 cm (24 x 17")

        My Inspiration
        Over the past few years, I have been
        working on photographs of graffiti using
        them as reference in teaching Photoshop.
        After overlaying images, one over the
        other, I started to see patterns and colours
        with shapes coming through. The colours
        appeared to move and morph together and
        the longer you study the image the more
        you see. Over the past 10 years I have been
        working in acrylic, watercolour and inks,
        but wanted to try a different way of re-
        creating the images in a medium that
        I haven’t used before. I used different types
        of dry media from soft to oil pastels and
        pencils. In the end, I ended up drawing the
        detail first in pen and ink finishing up using
        Derwent pencils.
        My Design Strategy
        All of my artwork starts with a large back   two images together. I feel that using pencil   I know the rest will follow. First working with
        catalog of photographs of graffiti I have   gives the opportunity of creating something   pencil I add all the light tones then start to
        been collecting for over the last five years.   very different, creating an image that looks   go over them with a gel pen. Using a gel pen
        Some of these have been used for teaching   abstract but contains great depth.  gives me a chance to shade and smudge with
        Photoshop tutorials and for personal use.           my finger to soften the blacks. Once I get
        I have been working on various pin boards   My Working Process  to this stage, I can start adding colours and
        on Pinterest, one of which is “Photoshop   Once I have achieved the Photoshop image to   shades going over and over the colours to get
        Per Day.” I have been using my own   A4, it’s then time to draw up to A2 or A1. I’m   the rich solid colours and concentrated tones.
        photographs and trying different styles and   always working from black-and-white images,
        techniques in Photoshop and uploading one   as this gives me a strong but harsh breakdown   Contact Info
        every day. This was one of the main reasons   of contrast. If I get the image drawn up in
        for wanting to try and re-create the images   black-and-white exactly right,      » Email:
        to make a very personal image, but bringing            »  Website:


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