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Harley Brown’s fascinating things no one else will tell you
Expertise in Art
There are moments I feel exceptional and Portraiture Installations
other times I question my motives, reasoning In portraiture, the face is obviously the A few days ago, I had a dream where I went
and hopes. I recall works from my mentors, center of interest. When having something back in time and was able to get a head start
parents and, yes, my doctor, as if I was a kid in that is eye catching in the clothing or on the “installation” craze. Money poured in
class. But, when someone asks me something background, it should be near the head. and then I woke up.
about art, I’m a superior court judge making Rembrandt fully used this approach. There
a declaration. Here are some of my thoughts can be objects in other places but it’s to the Knowing Your Subject
and insights on an assortment of art topics. face our eyes are drawn. When I’m observing my model, my eyes
look in general and in detail and they know
Early Career
I’d like to take you on a journey into the past. I did these two sketches when I was 24 years old. I was going door to door doing portraits like these for $10 apiece.
What I see with them is that I understood solid shading and shapes with facial features. A skill taught by my dad. I see slight uncertainties in parts but mostly they
are strong drawings.
HarleyBrown110.indd 140 6/29/16 3:45 PM