Page 138 - International Artist2 110
P. 138
Painting Critiques continued
Luba Robinson Elena Sokolova
Rhapsody in Bloom, oil on canvas, 12 x 12" (30 x 30 cm) White Roses and Others, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 cm (12 x 12")
Beautifully and subtly crafted, Luba! The contrast For a second there I thought I was looking at my own painting, Elena!
of sharp, clear shapes and the softly modelled colour Wow, I can see the great effort you focused on this one going step by
transitions within them is a real pleasure to dwell on. step and not letting the drawing slip as you often do when you start
The design is solid, the colour transitions in the painterly painting with abandon. Great job! I hope you learned a lot—it sure
background nicely handled. Great work! looks like you did.
My final painting
Richard Robinson, Bouquet of Roses
oil on canvas, 11 x 11" (28 x 28 cm)
This painting is about joy. I’ve tried to use lyrical
shapes with vibrant colour combinations and
fluid brushwork to get that message across. Most
of the work is in seeing and painting the subtle
hue shifts in the white rose. It took about one
hour to paint that and one hour for the rest of the
painting. However, it took three hours to arrange
up the still life. Planning is important!
Oil Workshop 137
New Richard Robinson_110.indd 137 6/17/16 10:16 AM