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Greg Allen
                                                   THE ITALIAN LAKES
                                                   Monday 22 August – Saturday 3 September, 2016
 VACATIONS 2016                                    Thirteen days of painting and exploration in Lake Maggiore, Lake
                                                   Como and Lake Garda. Paint some of the very best sights to be
                                                   found, experience the unique charm and breathtaking beauty of
 We have put together a calendar of the best workshops with a group of world-famous artists as your tutors.   the Italian Lakes district with Greg Allen showing you how to best
 We’ll paint and sketch, go sightseeing, explore out-of-the-way places as well as the legendary sights of each   capture the splendor of the Italian Lakes in watercolor.
 country we visit. All our tutors will give you helpful and friendly advise on how to improve your painting to
 make sure you come back with a sketchbook full of memories.

 Greg Allen  Charles Reid
 TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA  Friday 2 September – Wednesday 14 September, 2016
 Sunday 28 February – Friday 11 March, 2016
      One of the best teachers in the world leads a stimulating and
 Twelve spectacular days of painting, sketching and exploring the picturesque   satisfying tour of the best places in France in the Dordogne
 regions of Tasmania, Australia. Tasmania is a place of wild and beautiful   region and Provence. An appealing mix of instruction,
 landscapes, wonderful wine and food and a rich history and will be a delight   personal painting with sightseeing in Sarlat-la-Canéda
 to paint. Greg Allen will show you how to capture the best of Tasmania in   and Aix-en-Provence with plenty of time to paint.
 watercolour. This will be a wonderful opportunity to discover these charming
 towns and enjoy the exceptional scenery and history of the region.
 Tom Lynch                                          John Lovett
 VENICE & TUSCANY                                   CINQUE TERRE & TUSCANY, ITALY
                                                    Monday 5 September – Saturday 17 September, 2016
 Monday 23 May – Saturday 4 June, 2016
                                                    From the spectacular sight of the five villages on the
 Paint some of the very best sights to be found in Italy. Experience the   mountainside in the Cinque Terre to the beautiful Tuscany
 stunning scenery of Venice and the breath taking beauty of Tuscany.   region of Italy, this thirteen-day painting workshop gives
 Unique for its canals and Renaissance palazzos, Venice is one of the most   members the opportunity to truly experience ‘la dolce vita’, the
 fascinating cities in Italy, while the beautiful Tuscan countryside will provide   sweet life. This will definitely be the painting trip of a lifetime,
 many subjects to paint. This will definitely be the painting trip of a lifetime,   with John Lovett showing you how to best capture the splendour
 with Tom Lynch, an experienced master of watercolor as your art instructor.  of Cinque Terre and Tuscany.

 Amanda Hyatt
 PARIS & SAINT MALO, FRANCE  David Taylor  20th
 Monday 8 August – Saturday 20 August, 2016  VENICE & PRAGUE  Anniversary
     Tuesday 20 Septmber – Sunday 2 October, 2016
 This workshop offers thirteen days of painting and adventure
 in the romantic city of Paris followed by the beautiful fortified   This w orkshop off er s thirt een days of painting and adv entur e in V enic e and
     This workshop offers thirteen days of painting and adventure in Venice and
 citadel of Saint Malo, France. Highlights include a visit to   Prague. Venice, with grand palaces and ancient villas built directly over
 Monet’s beautiful garden in Giverney and an incredible day of   the canals, and the enchanting and magical city of Prague will be a delight
 painting at Mont Saint-Michele.  to paint. For all the colour and beauty of Italy and the Czech Republic laid
     out before your easel, who better to lead this tour than David Taylor, one
     of watercolorists’ most respected painters. Celebrate with David his 20th
     year of leading a Painting Workshop Vacation.
 Barry & Lucy McCann
 Monday 8 August – Friday 19 August, 2016                   USA: 866 552 4278 (Toll Free)
 Paint some of the very best sights to be found in England and experience   AUSTRALIA: 1800 033 436 (Toll Free)
 the outstanding blend of historic locations, authentic village atmospheres
 and exemplary teaching from Barry and Lucy McCann. Paint the streets,   ALL OTHER COUNTRIES: +61 3 9729 8722
 people and sights of London followed by Stratford-upon-Avon, an   Website:
 800-year-old market town with many ideal painting locations.
                              TIONS 2016
                         VACATIONS 2016                  Email:
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