Page 83 - Winter Issue
P. 83

Can  you  elaborate  on  how  your  involvement  with  groups  like  the  Puzzle  group  and  Plasthra  16  has
             influenced your artistic journey?
             I like to be part of something promising, and all the projects I have undergone gave me something valuable…. Trying to
             solve the riddle with a company is always something that is fortunate and unfortunate… fortunate because you share
             your thoughts and unfortunate because you may lose yourself, however losing the self is always something that gives
             valuable information to the self… I found, however egocentric I may find myself to be a leader, hence my theater group
             Yellow, where I was directing and forming my ideas the way I chose to. Same with painting you are the director, the one
             who makes decisions and makes the work make sense.
             How  do  you  curate  experiences  for  audiences  in  your  performances  to  engage  them  with  both  the
             aesthetic and the socio-political context of your work?
             George Kallas said that a work of art should answer to both the content and the style of a work of art. Working with
             tradition, and the socio-political context of a past that is great and rich in scenery that you try to place in the present is a
             process that brings you face to face with anthropological truths. It is without doubt unheard of that we still protest
             against war nowadays. Democratic states abide with diversity and minorities are striving to stand in the picture. We
             need to hear the voice inside and test it with external obscurities and truths meaning the society we are in, that leaves a
             mark upon each one of us, and therefore defines us and our actions, such as creating art. We are not alone.
             In what ways do you see your art as a conversation between the past and the present, and how does that
             conversation guide your future projects?
             Once you are true to yourself, your art must be also true. One thing leads another, for example, at first I was painting
             what was around me, and that is myself my partner, and animals… digging the subject of animals and art, I discovered
             Greek  and  Egyptian  Mythology,  Being  Greek  I  decided  to  examine  my  past  and  portray  it  in  a  more  gay  and  queer
             attitude,  gay  as  in  happy  and  not  necessarily  a  sexual  orientation.  One  thing  leads  to  another,  you  just  need  to  be
             patient and work a lot, and the future is shaping before you slowly, like a licker that you take small sips and taste slowly
             to ship it to the bottom of your heart.

             Ensemble Cry                                                                     Etouto To Maxairi Edw
             Acrylic on canvas,                                                                  Acrylic on canvas,
             50x50cm, 2020                                                                        60x60cm, 2020

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