Page 82 - Winter Issue
P. 82
Can you discuss a particular moment or piece in your career that was pivotal in shaping your identity as
an artist?
It is difficult to isolate a specific work, that confided in me. I remember my first attempt as a director coming from a
visual artist background “While I was speaking to you last night”. It was very much well accepted by the crowd and gave
me the strength to create another 4 theatrical performances. Also, my first Painting in 2015, after years of working with
other forms of art proved to be exactly what I had in mind and gave me the force to dive into painting as a creator, from
start to end. Now I have also discovered sculpture that I am giving birth to creatures of my mythology in 3D.
How do you research and incorporate contemporary themes, such as the impact of AI on society, into
your artistic creations?
I am fascinated by technology and the endless opportunities, I have tried painting in Photoshop and After Effects, and
then AI came into our lives… I am very eager to see evolution tearing reality apart… I see a continuation of my work
through AI, also to life, as all the stages in my career followed an inner state of evolution, In my painting, I added a lot of
animals in my painting as they were always around, Also taking my figures one step further I was led to sculpture where
I see my figures forming in 3D, this will lead to exploring these personas through technology and AI. I will love to see my
figures my creatures my monsters brought to life and motion through AI…
What role do you believe art plays in the evolution of humanity and societal understanding?
I am a narcissist in my art but not in my life… I create images and scenery where my creatures and actors or rather
heroes are very much in love with themselves. They stand out. In general, the ego is very essential in the being, and
narcissism when not extreme is healthy, because it is nutritious to the self. Same with art it is nutritious to humanity, it
shows the way to the inner self. But we do not create for that, we do it because it is nutritious to the soul. Euripides was
creating his texts for two people only, himself and Socrates. I also create art to satisfy myself and my curator. If I am
content with the work, I publish it and believe that the world will follow, and they do, if they do not it is not my problem.
Your artist statement mentions swimming in a sea of colors and forms—how do you select and
manipulate color to convey meaning in your work?
Picasso was asked why he chose a blue color to paint a form, and the answer was that I ran out of red. I do not believe
that it was so honest of him since he was always very skeptical about his work. One time I ran out of black and could not
complete my painting as all my forms had a black outline and I was forced to use another color deep purple and blue
and to my surprise, it worked! In general, I think and design my forms and choice of colors in my head before I start
painting, I usually have all the colors pre-decided, and then I get to work. What is amazing about painting is that the
blank canvas entails the forms and I envision the drawing on the blank canvas… that is the magic of painting…. You can
follow her as a fairy a mist or a witch!
Man and Flower #2 - Acrylic on canvas, 50x50cm, 2020 82 Man and Flower - Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm, 2020