Page 37 - TAG
P. 37
Kelvin Harvey
Untitled. Work on paper. Acrylic and collaged acrylic
painted paper. 50x40cm ©Kelvin Harvey
Kelvin Harvey is the sort of artist that
insists that it his work that should speak
for him without any need of summary.
And that is fine by me and Tubes.
However, we can tell you he employs
abstraction as his main means of
expression and it appears that he is using
a host of mediums to gain the look and
feel of his work. I do like his style, hence
his selection for TAG #4
Kelvin’s subject matter does vary with
some of it evidently based in ‘reality’ and
his environment. The title of each work
gives the viewer an indication of what the
artist was considering when creating the
work (which is a form of short hand for a
painting above: Descending into Chaos. Acrylic, mixed
media and 24 ct Gold Leaf on canvas. 100cm x 100cm. summary).
©Kelvin Harvey
He has stated (in the past) that his
ambition is to build a portfolio of quality
art. These paintings seem to indicate that
he is doing just that.