Page 5 - PAUL McCLOSKEY’S ROAD TO ENLIGHTENMENT michele-andree-unblugged
P. 5

Yes, I do, it can be said that the body, mind, music and art have rhythms and
               movement and when synchronised then beauty and health are the result,

               but also Music and Painting allow us to let go and connect with our higher
               selves and this connection gives the body/mind space to heal.

               No. 5) How do you feel when you are painting?

               This place of inner quiet, the calming of the constant chatter of the mind,

               which must be allowed to create is a place of PEACE.

               No. 6) Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?

               All subjects whether landscape, people still lives are energy, all come from the
                                                      one source; therefore, there is no separation

                                                      between  me  and  my  subject,  a  cycle,  as
                                                      separation only exists within the mind and in
                                                      order to truly create, I am in a place of no

                                                      mind, therefore inevitably as one with  my

                                                      No. 7) Under what conditions do you work


                                                      I have two places where I work my garage is

                                                      converted into a summer studio for large
                                                      work and I have a room inside the house I
                                                      use for research and smaller works.

                                                      I find I work best when calm and relaxed with

                                                      the minimum amount of distractions,
                                                      although I often get a sense of anxiousness
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