Page 3 - PAUL McCLOSKEY’S ROAD TO ENLIGHTENMENT michele-andree-unblugged
P. 3

honesty given to the creation of a work and therefore how more open he
                  was to inspiration or divine influence. However, a point comes when I know I

                  have to let go of a particular work as a catharsis has taken place and released
                  me, this is when I become an observer to its creation which is probably one
                  of the most compelling desires for me as a painter, is to witness it as a

                  creation. True art connects with the viewer on a deeper level than just the
                  superficial and if the viewer is open, they too can experience that connection
                  to divinity through great art.

               No. 2) What inspires you?

               My most recent series of paintings ‘Awakenings Reloaded’ is inspired by the
               landscape, what we perceive as every day and perhaps ordinary, the places we
               merely glance at without allowing ourselves to get lost in the breath-taking
               creation and beauty that surrounds us, this visual influence is determined by

               the surrounding landscape of my environment, but its intention is primarily as
               a catalyst in expressing divinity and is therefore secondary to this expression.
               The varied and stunning Irish landscape coupled with our unsettled weather

               and therefore often fleeting and mottled light inspires me greatly.  Often a view
               will change or an area will be spot lit by a simple break in the clouds,
               highlighting like a shimmering treasure or jewel, a corner of a field, the side of

               some rocky cliff or the dynamic sweeping curves of a valley reminding us that
               we are an integral part of and connected to a whole, encouraging us to see and
               most importantly feel its beauty and spirit and therefore reconnect to this vital

               part of us.

               No. 3) When you are creating, painting, where does it take you?  I mean where does
               your mind travel?

               This is difficult to say really, ideally the mind should remain as absent as
               possible, the mind needs to be quietened and still in order to allow divinity to

               work through unhindered, it is a place of no mind, a place of connection to
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