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Awards of Exceptional Merit
Dominic Avant, Bradenton, FL Katie O’ Hagan, Beacon, NY
Patience, oil on linen, 30 x 40" (76 x 102 cm) Deflection, oil on linen, 32 x 32" (81 x 81 cm)
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Art in the Mountains Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Savoir-Faire
Matteo Caloiaro, Sarasota, FL Parmod Kurlekar, Vasai, Maharashtra India
Nonna’s Garden, oil, 24 x 30" (61 x 76 cm) Radha, oil on canvas, 43 x 43" (109 x 109 cm)
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Canson, Inc. Sponsored by: Portrait Society and M Graham & Co.
Rick Casali, Galesville, MD Susan O’Neill, Alexandria, VA
Self Portrait, bronze resin with wood base, Figura, charcoal, 19 x 25" (48 x 64 cm)
24 x 14 x 9" (61 x 36 x 23 cm) Sponsored by: Portrait Society and
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Canson, Inc. Ampersand Art Supply
Carla Crawford, Oakland, CA Jim Salvati, West Hills, CA
Roxanne, oil on linen, 30 x 40" (76 x 102 cm) Pool, oil on canvas, 35 x 40" (89 x 102 cm)
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Sponsored by: Portrait Society and
Michael Harding Art Materials Michael Harding Art Materials
Michelle Dunaway, Albuquerque, NM Mary Sauer, Saratoga Springs, UT
Reverence, oil on linen, 16 x 22" (41 x 56 cm) I Wandered as a Lonely Cloud, oil on linen,
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Blick Art Materials 30 x 30" (76 x 76 cm)
Deon Duncan, Salt Lake City, UT Sponsored by: Portrait Society and
Michael Harding Art Materials
Second Honor Award Sphynx, cast hydrostone, 19 x 12½ x 7" (48 x 32 x 18 cm) Adrienne Stein, Wrightsville, PA
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Savoir-Faire
Sponsored by: Portrait Society of America, Jeffrey Hein, Salt Lake City, UT Olivia, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 36" (76 x 91 cm)
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and
Rosemary Brushes and Turtlewood Palettes Amber, oil on linen panel, 16 x 12" (41 x 30 cm)
Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Studio Michael Harding Art Materials
Incamminati School for Contemporary Realist Art Dan Thompson, Staten Island, NY
Aapo Pukk Amy Kann, Narberth, PA Ace, graphite on paper, 23 x 29" (58 x 74 cm)
Saue, Estonia Transition, carved marble, 19 x 17" (48 x 41 cm) Sponsored by: Portrait Society and
Self-Portrait, oil on canvas, 32.3 x 31" (81 x 79 cm) Sponsored by: Portrait Society and Natural Pigments Michael Harding Art Materials
My Inspiration: When I began this self-portrait,
I decided to paint myself as the artist I aspire to Sponsors
be. From the very start of this painting, I wanted The Art of the Portrait conference and the International Portrait Competition are made possible by the
to forget everything I knew about painting generous contributions of a variety of organizations that join us in supporting the arts through our
portraits and paint freely from my subconscious educational mission. Our sincerest thanks to the following sponsors:
mind without any control and hesitation. PLATINUM Rosemary & Co. Studio Incamminati School for
I started the painting with only warm primary American Art Collector Silver Brush Limited Contemporary Realist Art
colors using them only one at a time and then International Artist Magazine Turtlewood Palettes BRONZE
I introduced transparent cold primaries to Jack Richeson & Co., Inc. SILVER Atlantic Papers
complete the painting. Michael Harding Art Materials Ampersand Art Supply Blick Art Materials
Signilar Art Video Art in the Mountains Baumgaertner Instructional DVDs
My Path to Art: When did I become an artist? Synappsys Digital Services, Inc. Canson, Inc. Chroma, Inc.
It happened when I was born, because when The Artist’s Magazine Fredericksburg Artists’ School HK Holbein Artists’ Materials
I came into this world my mother took me GOLD M. Graham & Company New Wave Fine Art Products
from the hospital to where she worked to the Fredrix Artists Canvas PanPastel Protégé Atelier
teachers’ room of the children’s art school, Gamblin Artists Colors Savoir-Faire: Sennelier/Isabey
Hughes Easels
Scottsdale Artists’ School
because that was the only home she had. When Natural Pigments SourceTek
we got a flat we were still very poor, but we
always had pencils, paper, watercolours and a
brush ready. According to my mother, I used to
sit on the floor on top of a big sheet of paper SAVE THE DATE: APRIL 20-23, 2017
and draw all the time, even before I learned how Early-bird registration is open now! Make your plans today and take advantage of discounted
to speak. Today I am a teacher at the Estonian tuition for the 19 annual The Art of the Portrait being held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 20 to 23,
Academy of Arts and I also organize courses of 2017. Join us for four days of inspiration, networking, demonstrations and an art materials
classic figurative art at the Aapo Pukk Art School. exhibition hall. Our program features the leading portrait and figurative artists of today.
Register early to take advantage of our early-bird discounts! Register online at or call toll free 1 (877) 772-4321, outside the U.S. call (850) 878-9996.
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