Page 70 - DontPostMe
P. 70
Right now I am generally guided by subject matter
which results from ongoing research into different areas
of interest that I have and currently I am looking at im-
ages and videos mainly dating from the early 70's, so
some of my future work could look quite different.
When it comes to the actual painting process I have
tried to define a set of procedures for myself so that
instead of simply copying the image it is more like a
translation, with painting, as a visual language, in the
mix as an active element and where the process itself
plays and important role, so it generates its own errors,
or manual glitches and in a way it celebrates the idea of
human error. It typically begins on paper where I manu-
ally divide up or dissect the image into irregular block-
like sections based on some pre-determined system,
sometimes defined by shape and colour or the detail in
the image and sometimes this is more game or puzzle-
like in structure. Then the image is reconstructed by
painting these isolated pieces one by one building to-
gether almost like a jigsaw-puzzle over a period of
weeks and sometimes months. It is a very slow process,
in fact it intentionally exaggerates the slowness nor-
mally associated with painting. So the element of time
is very important in all of this, the painting in a sense
stretching the image out over time and even though the
final painting could easily be described as representa-
tional or realistic, it is built out of individual pieces that
are often very abstract in nature. For me the act of
making art has always been a little like inventing a
game with its own the rules and then, isolated within
that system, in that world, as the sole player of the
game following those rules, playing along and all the
while pushing at the self imposed boundaries just to see
what happens.