Page 4 - Deansgate
P. 4

artist: Tracey Watt                                                                                               artist: Toluwani Awodiya

                   When contemporary art writers try to put a painter into a box of  ‘isms’ it is usually because
                   they cannot allow themselves to think that the paintings they are viewing really are of an
                   exceptionally originality. Every painter is force fed, they say with historical imagery and
                   modern art past-masters or academic theories.

                   To make a valid painting contribution to Art in the contemporary art world, and not be
                   satisfied by simply painting pictures for walls artists need to take risks.
                   Tracy is an artist who stands out because she does exactly that. And even the closest artist
                   to her image subjects, (perhaps Lucian Freud’s paintings of overweight women), pale into
                   ‘shockable’ insignificance as far as Tracy’s unabashed images are concerned. What we see
                   in this show is a mere taste of her style, to see her strong imagery, please Google her.

                   Bold and bright, almost raw paintings of women and men in all their glory and all their
                   natural detail is a fabulous display of artistic freedom. With this art, I can only stand back
                   and admire the sheer authentic talent of this daring artist who has been taking risks for
                   some time. Many artists can paint totally real images, but sometimes we do need
                   a different view of humanity in its glorious complex beauty and vulgarity, do we not.
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