Page 74 - Art Reveal no8
P. 74

74  Art Reveal Magazine

        Who or what has a lasting influ-    can be inspired just by using a par-
        ence on your art practice?          ticular material. Using aluminium
                                            has had a big impact on my work.
        That’s a difficult question for me as  It is such a great material to work
        I feel I have been inspired and in-  with  and lends itself  to  sculpture
        fluenced by many people through-    beautifully. As I have become old-
        out my career. My mother is a very  er I have also become much more
        creative  person and so practical  confident  and have started to work
        that I am sure that had an effect on  to a much larger scale. My latest
        me growing  up. Both  my mother  three-dimensional landscape is 4
        and my nan were very able sew-      metres long.
        ers but I never had an interest in
        that until I went to college but it
        meant I was always around fab-      What  advice  can  you  give  to
        ric, sewing machines and various  those who are just starting out in
        projects each of them were taking  the arts?
        on. Thinking about it now perhaps
        my interest in three dimensional  Fundamentally, you should believe
        art and constructed textiles comes  in yourself, ideas and talent. Mak-
        from my father who is an architect.  ing a living from being an artist is
        I  am  hugely  influenced  by  the  tough, so it’s vital to be proactive,
        designer Petra Blaisse and her  seek out and create opportunities
        company Inside Outside, based  to be recognised through market-
        in Holland. Her projects fuse ar-   ing your work, entering competi-
        chitecture, interior and landscape  tions,  networking  and  exhibiting
        design to create spaces that are  and  learn  to  be  confident  about
        sensory and interactive and she is  getting your ideas across and peo-
        re-defining how we use our build-   ple will believe in you.
        ings and interior spaces.
        Growing up in West Yorkshire has  What are your future plans as an
        definitely  had  an  effect  on  how  I  artist?
        see the world. I live surrounded by
        the imposing and undulating hills  I am planning to exhibit a new body
        of the Pennines and Peak District  of work I am creating as part of an
        which are reference points for my  artists group I am part of. Working
        life  and work. When visiting  the  in a collective makes it much eas-
        city, I come to miss the countryside,  ier to approach galleries and you
        the hills and the vast openness of  can offer a diverse range of work
        the landscape and this realisation  that can fill a gallery space.
        informs my work on how our sur-     I have been creating a collection
        roundings  influence  how  we  live,  of sculptural vessels using digital
        think and feel and in return how we  print and aluminium sheets com-
        shape and change our surround-      bined with a multitude of materi-
        ings to suit our own needs.         als including stitch, varnish, paint
                                            amongst many more. I wanted
                                            to explore the interconnection  of
        How has your work changed in  craft and conceptual art.
        the past years?                     I hope to continue to push my work
                                            in new directions and keep on ex-
        Working with a mixed range of  perimenting and trying new things.
        materials has had an impact on  I am excited about all possibilities
        what I create. Materials are a big  and opportunities  that may come
        source of inspiration for me and I  my way.
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