Page 72 - Art Reveal no8
P. 72

72  Art Reveal Magazine

                                                                                late to our surroundings on a more
                                                                                physical level. So I started creat-
                                                                                ing  three  dimensional  landscapes
                                                                                using  film  footage  printed  onto
                                                                                cloth and shaping it using alumin-
                                                                                ium. This allowed the work to have
                                                                                more impact as the work became
                                                                                sculptural. Using still images from
                                                                                film footage is a fantastic way to
                                                                                capture movement and spontaneity
                                                                                as opposed to using planned shots
                                                                                from a stills camera. I add filters
                                                                                to the film footage to make the im-
                                                                                ages more  ambiguous and dream
                                                                                like.  Film footage  is also a good
                                                                                way to capture light as you can
                                                                                use the movement of the camera
                                                                                to create streaks and lines of light
                                                                                which look great when made into
                                                                                There is also a haptic element to
                                                                                my work. I am  interested in how
                                                                                we use touch to ground ourselves
                                                                                in  reality, to  bond with  our sur-
                                                                                roundings and other people and
                                                                                how children use touch to learn. To
                                                                                use this sense to appreciate art is
                                                                                vital in allowing us to understand
                                                                                how an artist works. Touch is also
                                                                                vitally important to those of us who
                                                                                can’t rely on our sight through dis-
                                                                                ability. I feel that relationship that
                                                                                sculpture and textiles have in com-
                                                                                mon is that they offer more than

         VIEW FROM HOME (ENLARGEMENT)                                           just a visual element  but have a
                                                                                tactile quality

        When, how and why started you  ceived idea of textiles being more  Tell us something about the tech-
        working with sculpture?             than just decorative or traditional   nical equipment you use.
                                            and thought  of as just a craft  by
        I have only recently started to think  pushing the boundaries of what it  I use a variety of equipment from
        of myself as a sculptor, particular-  is possible to do with cloth. I want-  fabric printers, soldering irons to
        ly as I studied textiles at University  ed to create textile sculptures that  a sewing machine to stitch into the
        and always described myself as a  are both craft based and high art.    aluminium. I am a real believer in
        textile artist. The three dimension-  My  current  work  has  led  me  to  working organically and although
        al aspect to my work has been a  redefining  how  we  recreate  land-   I have a rough plan of what I want
        gradual process through research  scape imagery. I wanted to create  to achieve I often make decisions
        and experimentation of materials  images of landscapes that cap-        as I go along and experiment with
        and subject matter, although I have  tured more than just a visual sense  stitch, paint and wire which can be
        always  taken  a cross-disciplinary  but incorporated atmosphere,  woven into the work. It’s quite an
        approach to my practice.            light, how it links to memory and  intuitive way of working, but it is
        I am really  interested in the per- a  sense  of  place  and how  we  re-  the only way I know.

                                                                                                                             VIEW FROM HOME
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