Page 49 - Art Reveal no8
P. 49

Art Reveal Magazine  49


        Do you think of yourself as a conceptual artist?      where it leads. I collect images, reflect upon them and
                                                              eventually find out what the work is about.
        I feel quite the opposite of a conceptual artist. Taking
        photographs is a very instinctive process and I accu-
        mulate images and eventually, a body of work emerg-   What are your future plans as an artist?
        es. I rarely have a clear idea of what I will work on. It
        depends a lot on the city I live in, the people I spend  I moved back to Montreal a year ago and ever since,
        time with, my home and my mood. The concept behind  I have been flirting with portraiture again. I am also
        the images comes afterwards.                          working on a performance piece that will culminate
                                                              in  a  site-specific  installation.  It’s  about  endurance
                                                              and ephemerality. This is a totally new direction I’m
        Tell  us  a  little  about  your  background  and  how  exploring and I’m very excited about it. Also a little
        that influences you as an artist.                     nervous, as I have never done this before… but it feels
                                                              very natural as it ties in well with the rest of my work.
        Stumbling upon photography changed my path in a  It’s always good to get out of your comfort zone.
        very unexpected direction. I am happy to have made
        this choice based on what I really wanted to do, ver-
        sus what I was supposed to do. In my work, I have
        the same frame of mind, I follow my intuition and see
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