Page 48 - Art Reveal no8
P. 48

48  Art Reveal Magazine


        How and why started you creating?                     changed a lot. Not knowing anyone there, I natural-
                                                              ly  turned  to  the  inanimate: still  lifes,  interiors  and
        After studying sciences in college and no particular  landscapes, and a few portraits here and there. Liv-
        interest in pursuing it, so I took a year of random  ing abroad brought up identity questions; the notion
        classes at the university of my hometown (Sherbrooke,  of home and intimacy became central themes in my
        Canada). One of the classes was photography, which  work.
        actually holds a good deal of chemistry and optical
        physics. I bought a 35mm Ricoh camera and I im-
        mediately fell in love with the medium. My teacher  What is the most challenging part about working
        was a Concordia (Montreal, Canada) graduate and  with photography?
        she helped me build a portfolio during her class so I
        could apply. I never thought I would get it, but I did.  For me, it is the editing of a series: making choices,
        And that’s how it all started.                        selecting which images work best together and make
                                                              more sense. It’s the part where I am constantly in my
                                                              head and I second-guess every decision. It takes me
        How has your work changed in the past years?          ages to come up with the final series and I find myself
                                                              making slight changes even when I’m supposedly fin-
        I did a lot of portraiture in school. After graduating, I  ished…
        moved to Berlin (Germany) and that’s when my work
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