Page 38 - Art Reveal no8
P. 38

38  Art Reveal Magazine


         devoted her life to my grandfather’s dream being a  How would you describe the art scene in your area?
         retailer.  She used to tell us stories about here life and
         her dreams.  All the things she wished she had done  Icelanders are  generally writing, acting, composing,
         and experienced but never did.  It made me realize  designing, painting, sculpting, and all-round creating
         how important it was for me to live my life, truly feel  bunch. Many locals have a “creative” profession and
         it and to follow my dreams.                          of those who don’t find another vent for their creative
                                                              energy.  Reykjavik has developed an international rep-
         After  my  graduation  from the  Iceland  Academy  of  utation as a growing creative hub for both emerging
         the Arts in 2005, I literally took my camera under my  and established visual artists.  There are innovative
         arms and sailed the ocean.  I had this desperate need  contemporary art galleries in all shapes and sizes, and
         to know what was on the other side, what it is that  edgy new experimentations sit alongside works in tra-
         gives people a real satisfaction and a true happiness  ditional media.
         out of life.  Witch I didn’t believe I could find on this
         tiny island.   But also to make sure I was not going  What are your future plans as an artist?
         to end up like my beautiful grandmother with all the
         physical fortune in the world but no experience and  If I stay happy I still got approximately 60 years to live,
         unfulfilled dreams.  When I then finished my Masters  which I definitely enough time to feel, create and have
         degree from Glasgow school of  Art in 2007 I had  fun.  I was young when I left Iceland, I didn’t appreci-
         quite a ride in Europe, living with gypsies in caves,  ate the magnificence from my surroundings.  Recently
         in the forest with hippies among other places.  I even  after 10 years abroad, I am back to this beautiful is-
         traveled to Greenland a few times to understand the  land, hopefully it will connect me to new energy and
         Eskimos who live even more remotely than I used to  continue to inspire me.  All I know is that nature is a
         do in Iceland.                                       surprising and an exciting place.  Anything can hap-
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