Page 37 - Art Reveal no8
P. 37

Art Reveal Magazine  37

                                                                                            SPIRITUAL LANDSCAPES

        When, how and why started your art practice?          Do you think of yourself as a conceptual artist?

        I started photography at the age of 14.  I was working  Not sure if that is what I want to call it, but my trav-
        at a remote country hotel, Budir in Iceland. The chef  elling, connections and research make a big part in
        had made a darkroom in a tiny vine cellar and it’s  the final outcome.  For me the creative process is all
        where I developed my first film.  After that night it was  about the journey, literally and metaphorically as I
        no return.  Seeing the picture appear on the paper,  am curious about all aspects of human life.  I try to
        was such a magic.  The rest of the summer I didn’t  works very much intuitively and with sensitivity and
        sleep much as I spent most of the nights in this tiny  respect to my subjects.   But  maybe even trying to ex-
        cellar, I just loved it.                              plain my photography undermines the feeling or true
                                                              sense of the spirituality that lies beneath the surface.
                                                              To give meaning is also to determine it.
        What is the most challenging part about working
        with photography?
                                                              Tell  us  a  little  about  your  background  and  how
        Photography is in a way an introduction into the pho-  that influences you as an artist.
        tographer himself – the artist, his or her inner-being
        or soul.  Therefore I suppose the most challenging  Iceland is known to be quite an energetic place with
        part is how to choose the subjects as the photograph  all it´s magnificent forms of nature.  One of the people
        is in essence a statement – not written – but captured  that played a big role in my childhood was my grand-
        in a much more understanding or descriptive manner.  mother.  She is really talented and creative, but she
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