Page 22 - TAG
P. 22
painting above. Title: “Bearing Gifts”
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward
appearance of things, but their inward
significance.” Aristotle
Myfanwy posted a summary to TAG of how she feels about her work and what her influences are.
The quote above by the Greek Aristole was part of that statement. For me this is one of the great
explanations of painting in general and abstract painting specifically.
The artists work is delicate yet with strong colour lines and carefully considered composition. She speaks
of ‘inner’ landscapes (of the mind and soul) and reacting to detail in various imagery that surrounds
her, natural and photographic. Myfanwy has a sophisticated cultural base which she employs with
memories and the written word (poetry) - various ideas and concepts that become her abstract art.
Here is what she says about her art...
“...My paintings reflect the many factors which have influenced my work, including travel, archaeology,
changes in society and a love of nature and landscape. Many of my paintings are inspired by my
visits to European archaeological sites. I am also fascinated by the sea, adding fragments of maps
and geographical details to the textures of the paintings. My work frequently makes use of the idea of
palimpsest in its broadest sense. Colourful expressionism is an important part of my art.”
Website: www. Instagram: @myfanwyw Facebook: Myfanwy Williams