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featured artists painting in pairs from the
same model. On Friday morning, Rose Frantzen
and Quang Ho started the conference off with
the first onstage demonstration. Conference
attendee Suzanne Lago Arthur said, “Rose
is so introspective and bold with her
experimentation. She is able to communicate
exactly what she is thinking at any given
moment, and Quang has such an amazing
philosophical mind and his abstract approach
is unique.” The afternoon demo featured
popular artists Robert Liberace and Teresa
Oaxaca, both bringing to the stage a broad
base of knowledge in anatomy, color and form. Over 800 artists gathered in the Grand Ballroom to watch master artists Quang Ho and Rose Frantzen
Drawing was the star of Friday evening’s new demonstrate their distinctive styles. Photos by Matt Innis/Nicole Moné
program and featured Rose Frantzen, David
Kassan, Robert Liberace, and Anthony Ryder
demonstrating their exceptional drawing skills. first word. Jane Trevvett Ford was just one with their fellow artists. Attendee Marilynn
On Saturday morning, Michelle Dunaway of the people who wrote that Ray Kinstler Swan commented, “What an exceptional
and Anthony Ryder each demonstrated in was the most engaging speaker because of community—everyone from the most
their medium of choice, Michelle in oil and the memorable people he has painted and modestly attired to the exuberant, crazy
Anthony in pencil, while Saturday afternoon the stories he tells about his encounters with personalities were friendly and fun with
and Sunday morning showcased individual them. First-time attendee Andrea Schneider amazing gifts. I feel like I’ve lived a dream.”
demonstrations by Michael Shane Neal and commented that she thought Daniel Greene’s Our sincerest thank you to our 2016 faculty:
Daniel Gerhartz. Attendee Holly White-Gehrt Sunday morning Q-and-A was excellent, as the Sam Adoquei, Carol Arnold, Anna Rose Bain,
wrote that she particularly enjoyed Michael questions were specific, the answers were very Ryan Brown, Wende Caporale, Judith Carducci,
Shane Neal’s demo and talk for the evidence helpful and he was warm and engaging. Casey Childs, TJ Cunningham, Romel de la
of his total immersion into his profession, One of the most anticipated events Torre, Michelle Dunaway, Rose Frantzen,
watching him paint, and the witty banter with each year is the Saturday evening Gala Daniel Gerhartz, Max Ginsburg, Daniel
his subject, Sir John Leighton. Daniel Gerhartz’s Banquet that features a four-course meal, Greene, James Gurney, Gary Haynes, Quang
demonstration left a lasting impression the announcement of the International Ho, Edward Jonas, Scott Jones, David Kassan,
on Santiago Perez, as he said, “Dan’s demo Portrait Competition finalists’ awards, and Everett Raymond Kinstler, Sam Knecht,
opened up a new possibility for my style in the recognition of patrons, artists and Robert Liberace, Beverly McNeil, Ricky Mujica,
order to loosen up.” organizations’ contributions to the arts. This Michael Shane Neal, Richard Nelson, Teresa
Attendees also had the opportunity to year, artist Mary Whyte received the Gold Oaxaca, Alicia Ponzio, Anthony Ryder, Rhoda
observe daylong demonstrations in the exhibit Medal award for her outstanding contributions Sherbell, Jennifer Welty, Dawn Whitelaw, and
hall by Ryan Brown, TJ Cunningham, Ricky to the art community, as well as her notable Elizabeth Zanzinger.
Mujica, and Rich Nelson. body of works. The Excellence in Fine Art At the Portrait Society, we constantly
Breakout sessions were offered both Education award went to the Elizabeth strive to create an atmosphere of
Friday and Saturday, allowing attendees to Greenshields Foundation and was accepted interconnectedness. I feel certain the talent
select from a variety of classes including onstage by Executive Director Claudette and creative energy that fills the grand
critiques from original work, networking and Bellemare. The evening ended with a rousing ballroom is what attracts so many artists to
marketing, inspirational classes, drawing keynote address by Sir John Leighton, who had our event, however, it is the bonds created
workshops, and an unveiling of an original earlier received the Wetmore Leadership in the with fellow artists that have people coming
Cecilia Beaux painting. Fine Arts award for his distinguished career as back year after year. As Billy Seccombe,
Some of the most talked about programs an educator, curator and historian. from New Jersey wrote, “Last weekend in
were individual presentations by James Dorothy Dowdy wrote after the conference Reston I discovered a new found group of
Gurney, Everett Raymond Kinstler, and Daniel that the highlight for her was the atmosphere friends as many of the painters I admire were
Greene. Matt Innis, longtime attendee, said created by the presenters, one of collegiality, approachable and warm. It was a moment
that Gurney’s presentation on likeness and warmth, nurturing and genuine humanity. where I felt among my peers and on purpose.
character was the right blend of art, science, We are grateful for the generosity of our I can only say thank you...It was a moment of
visual presentation, timing and humor that faculty this year. They took time away from arrival for me and it reminded me that what
had the audience entranced from the very their studios to share their time and talent I’m doing as a painter is relevant.”
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