Page 24 - DontPostMe
P. 24

“               y night, nothing seems to be what it re-

                                      ally is. There is another light illuminating

                Bus and with it a distinct ambience un-

               folding. Nature turns into artifice and artifice gains

               life. The city is transformed, everyday life spaces

               become uncanny and the familiar unfamiliar.

                      The series NIIT (Night) employs imagination,

               dream and fiction to navigate in the nocturnal

               landscape. This experimental work opens up

               towards a personal universe – a night dream

               wherein forms are diluted while lights and shadows

               become the main protagonists. The randomness of

               the photographic shoot gains importance in the

               final result, allowing to rework the image with a

               different perspective. The title of the series brings

               together four concepts related with the images

               (Nocturn, Iluminate, Ilusorial, Tranformation),

               establishing a determined reading of the photo-

               graphic sequence”.
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