Page 8 - Winter Issue
P. 8
on how my art spurred her childhood memories and As an artist and former professor, how has
the appreciation of nature. She hugged me saying to teaching influenced your artistic process, and
keep on creating and making magic through my eyes how do you hope to inspire the next generation of
and heart. I had touched someone’s soul and that in artists to explore unconventional techniques?
itself is the best encouragement and reward. My As a former teacher, my artistic practice has been honed
visitor’s book is a testament to public engagement in by studying and working with students, particularly in
my art. Accolades and statements such as “your art is the history of art and artists. I have a romantic spirit and
an enchantment that releases a joy for life and gives a penchant for beauty, therefore I seek elements in
way to dreams”. Nature and connection with nature nature that capture immediate emotive feelings such as
are known to restore mental breakdowns. During the the play of light or sensory textural surfaces that stir the
pandemic, my connection to Art in nature kept imagination of course these senses are attributed to the
depression at bay. impressionists, Monet being my mentor, William Turner
Having earned significant recognition, like the the master of light and Van Gogh’s powerful marks and
Vermeil Medal in Paris and the Gold Medal in brushstrokes. I also appreciate Odile Redon’s dreamy
Oslo, how have these accolades impacted your flower compositions, those ethereal wisps of color to
approach or perspective on your art? great effect allowing one’s mind to wander around the
Being an artist is a lonely and intensive journey and canvas. I would encourage young artists to experiment
winning awards has given me personal, and external and learn the basics so that the rules can be broken
recognition and validation from curators and jurors, later. Seeking original ways of artistic expression comes
Academicians, etc, and is a huge recompense for through being inquisitive and searching for a unique
hard work. This acknowledgment from peers, critics, voice that comes from within.
industry professionals, etc, is very satisfying and
confidence-boosting, confirming that the awards help
one to move to the next level of professionalism.
Your statement emphasizes humanity’s
connection to the fragile environment. How do
you see your art contributing to environmental Pebble beach, 20X20cm, 2024
My mission as an artist is to communicate complex
environmental concepts and to make them accessible
to a broader audience. Sensitivity and recording of
how fragile nature is represented by spotlighting
issues such as disappearing species of plants, and
how the landscape is responding to human
interaction. Through art as a means of
communicating nature’s beauty and hidden inherent
properties, I hope to initiate thinking, start a
dialogue, inspire action, or provoke thoughts about
our future and our relationship to our environment.
Bringing awareness of our impact on this planet, art
can engage people emotionally, leading to deeper
understanding and a call to reflect and take
responsibility. Issues such as the acidification of
corals, the disappearing hedgerows on wildlife,
dramatic temperature changes portray the impact of
environmental degradation; artworks can stimulate
awareness leading viewers to question their Pebble pool Purity, 20x20cm, 2024
behaviors and choices related to the environment.
Witnessing beauty and seeing how it can quickly
disappear is a strong motive.