Page 22 - Winter Issue
P. 22

Capitana F

             ‘’The  beginning  of  my  video  performances,  2005,  can  be  understood  retrospectively  as  a  reaction  to  the
             expanding virtualization of social reality. Subsequently, under „masking“ in the broadest sense, I developed
             various types of medium/form relations. This also applies to those works in which, in addition to various art-
             immanent topoi painting is negotiated as a dispositive in the dispositive of art. My interest in screen printing
             follows the fact that it revolutionized painting. My hand-pulled silkscreens are always to be understood in
             the context of the performative: concept, reflective attitude, “poetry of action” (Henri Focillon).
             The  motif  on  the  stencil  is  a  screenshot  –  taken  with  open  source  software  –  with  a  detail  of  ‚Judith
             Beheading Holofernes‘ (c. 1620) by Artemisia Gentileschi. The stencil copy was exposed using UV radiation
             from the sun. Via Hard Fork, in the algorithm of my printing process, I make a new unit. By rotation, each
             color (Yellow – Magenta – Cyan) is printed at a different angle, using the same frame with only one stencil.
             Each work is unique.’’
             Capitana F was born in 1976 in Munich. The artist lives and works in Vienna since 2020. Previously in
             Berlin  from  2006  to  2019.  She  studied  at  the  Academy  of  Fine  Arts  in  Munich  (Olaf  Metzel),  the
             Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest (Intermedia Department, János Sugár), and the Academy
             of Fine Arts in Vienna (Heimo Zobernig). In 2007 she was awarded the art prize of the Tisa von der
             Schulenburg Foundation.

             Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Beheading Holofernes_028     Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Beheading Holofernes_027
             Silkscreen print on paper, 65x50cm, 2023                            Silkscreen print on paper, 65x50cm, 2023

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