Page 103 - Winter Issue
P. 103

The  idea  of  heaven  and  earth  in  constant  tension
             appears  in  your  work.  How  do  you  explore  this
             through color, form, and composition?
             This tension between heaven and earth is representative of
             the  struggle  between  our  egoic  self  and  our  divine  or
             spiritual self.
             My  paintings  have  often  been  described  as  dynamic  and
             primordial and I have explored these ideas at times through
             sweeping lines and the contrast of dark with light, the light  Hope Acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm, 2023
             highlighting glistening jewels of awakening. My current work
             is considerably brighter and more colorful as it reflects less
             struggle  and  a  more  enlightened  awareness  within  myself
             than my earlier works.
             How has international exposure influenced you?
             The  core  concept  of  my  work  has  remained  the  same  for
             some time now, but exposure to other artists outside of the
             studio  and  outside  of  my  country,  particularly  London,
             within  the  exhibition  space,  has  encouraged  me  to
             experiment more in some aspects, perhaps to produce an
             exhibition with the confidence of minimal works or indeed
             the  opposite  it  required,  but  mostly  it  has  allowed  me  to
             permit  myself  to  stand  over  my  work,  to  not  fall  into  the
             trap of fitting a trend. Once I know I have been authentic in
             its making, a painting no longer needs to be affirmed.
             In what ways has your art education influenced you?
             Teaching  visual  art  was  an  opportunity  to  encourage  my  A new earth Acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm, 2023
             students to explore their authentic selves through art, this
             could sometimes be limiting with a restricted curriculum but
             with an open discussion on the social and political context
             of  art  history,  this  allowed  them  to  see  themselves  within
             the context of a bigger picture. Ultimately my place was to
             provide a safe place where they in turn could recognize the
             role of presence in the making of their art.
             How  does  being  part  of  major  collections  influence
             your work and your approach to new projects?
             Being  included  in  art  collections  is  wonderful  without  a
             doubt, as the paintings now can be cared for and seen by
             future  generations.  It’s  always  good  to  know  that  perhaps
             my  message  or  influence  or  some  part  of  my  practice
             however  small  will  hope  to  inspire  to  some  degree  others
             long after I’m gone.
             With a history of awards and recognitions, including
             the  Osten  Biennial  Special  Award,  how  do  these
             accolades shape or inspire the future direction?     Glimpse Acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm, 2023
             Accolades do not influence my work but rather encourage
             and  inspire  the  continuance  of  my  practice,  to  be
             acknowledged  with  an  award  is  always  reassuring,  we  all
             need to be affirmed at times and as the practice of painting
             can be quite a solitary pursuit so to receive recognition from
             one’s peers although not a necessary part of one’s practice
             is nonetheless reassuring.

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