Page 11 - Art Seen
P. 11


 JONATHAN BARCAN  ALEX DUNCAN                           JADE                                           PAUL MCCLOSKEY

 I run with whichever   When I’m blocked, I    ON         ROBERTSON                                    Sometimes I can be                               ON
 p92                                                                                                                                                    p26
 idea is most   take my art practice                      I don’t have them.                           moved to create

 interesting or   way outside my   ON                    If I’m having a                               a specific work,
 assertive at the   comfort zone                      more challenging                                 an idea can

 ON  moment, free from   and try to create   painting day where things seem                            literally just
 self judgment, and   something   uncomfortable, I tend to see this                                    appear and

 make different visual iterations   completely   as a sign to push on through.                         evolve into a

 until I feel like the idea has   different from   Painting is very metaphorical                       vision. However,

 exhausted itself. Sometimes   what I normally do.   for life. “Just keep going,” I say,               for the most part, motivation

 though, the process of ‘making’   I’m usually working digitally, so I’ll   and – here comes the really   comes after action, simple

 in the studio can be enough to   get messy with some traditional   interesting part – it really is a   routines like preparing the

 push through and build some   mediums like oil pastels and paints   state of mind and, well, the more   canvas, brushes and palette can

 creative momentum.  just to see what comes of it.  I do the more information I have.                  calm the mind and slow down
 How do you move                                                                                       the thinking process, allowing

                                                                                                       me to get out of my own way.

                                                                                                       This in turn allows me to be
 past creative blocks?                     GIOVINA BAUER                                               more present in the making of

                                                                                                       the artwork and, for me, this
                                            It can be challenging and
                                           reassuring, affirming that                                  presence is paramount in

                                           I’m only human and the                                      creating authentic work.

 Artists inevitably                        flow of creative inspiration

 encounter periods when                    is a reality. I remind myself

 inspiration fades, ideas                  to trust my intuition,                                                              WIN WALLACE

 come to a standstill,                     knowing that creative                                                                 Working is the best

 and the sight of a blank   JESSICA        blocks are a natural part                                                             way past creative

 canvas or page feels   LICHTENSTEIN       of the process. With a                                   ON                          blocks. Throwing
 overwhelming. Art Seen   I allow the creative   positive approach to                                                       yourself into even a half-

 invites seven featured   blocks to come,   creative blocks, there’s                                   formed idea just to keep going allows you

 artists to discuss their   p80  and even learn to   a sense of adventure,                             to be more open to a better inspiration.
 appreciate them, for
 approach to overcoming   they are just as important and   embracing, and                              Having a backlog of ideas in a sketchbook

                                                                                                       is helpful, so in my mind I’m already
                                                             risk-taking to
 creative blocks and   will teach you even more than          uncover new                              thinking four or five drawings ahead of

 reigniting their creativity  the moments of inspiration.     adventures                               the current piece. Just don’t allow yourself

                                                   ON       and solutions.                             to accept the premise of creative blocks.

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