P. 5
*Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?
I see it more as aloneness, as allowing, the creative process works through one’s own
truth, through the process of allowing divinity/spirit to manifest through you,
therefore you are never really alone.
But often the process is a singular, lone process but it’s cannot really be any other
*What does your work aim to say? Do you intend your work to challenge the
I explore that energy or spirit existing within all things, the hidden energy that
vibrates within all matter. I attempt to create work that engages the viewer with this
energy and aim to heighten their spiritual experience as a consequence of
experiencing/looking at my paintings. When I speak of “spirituality”, I’m not
referring to organised religious assemblages, but more so I'm referring to the belief
that the act of creating allows us to tap into our higher selves, which has been
referred to as God, Spirit, energy or soul. This can open us to being inspired and
allows us to sense, see and feel without the influence of the ego.
My work is based on landscape as it facilitates me in portraying that sense of
immensity and space, which in turn assists me in expressing the power of spirit, the
glory of something greater than me but connected to me. The luminosity of light and
colour is central to all the work, light being used to reflect birth; for without light
there is no life. The suggestion of heaven and earth in constant struggle, merging yet
separable, solid yet amorphous all suggest the multidimensional nature of the
I have also used the theme of seasons as a way to suggest the beginning and end, the
circle of life, the alpha and the omega the struggle within, between the conditioned
self and the divine/spiritual self. If the viewer is challenged and allows himself to
feel the work before any labelling then the circle of artist, work and viewer is
*What is your philosophy in matters of art?
In painting one can only truly and honestly paint for oneself, through the process of
allowing with truth, everything else is secondary. If the viewer through the act of
allowing gets it then that adds to the process.