Page 62 - Art Reveal no8
P. 62

62  Art Reveal Magazine

        Tell  us  a  little  about  your  background  and  how  What is your favourite experience as an artist?
        that influences you as an artist.
                                                              It’s that process I just mentioned, when I’m lost in ac-
        For as long as I can remember art has been integral  tion, when there are no expectations, only this mo-
        part of who I am, there was never any question as  ment exists, this place of harmony between me and
        to which path I would pursue, painting has given  creation, it’s a place of great peace and joy.
        me purpose, it has helped me explore my essence,
        my place and the greater questions of being. In the  What are your future plans as an artist?
        search  for  answers to  the  meaning  of  existence  a
        number of years ago I began a spiritual journey guid-  To continue to cultivate this creative process through
        ed by people like Anthony De Mello and Eckhart Tolle  my painting, to further learn about and experience
        which profoundly changed the narrative of my work,  this place of connection and hopefully inspire others
        process became primary, thus began the ‘Awakening’  through my work to explore their place in the greater
        series ‘The Alpha’ ‘Reloaded’ and ‘The Omega’ tril-   picture of spirit, connection and concord.
        ogy. My works are often considered abstract yet they
        are based on the Irish landscape, they are reminders/  What do you like/dislike about the art world?
        pointers to the truth, which can only be found in the
        present moment, reminders to allow ourselves to not  I like the potential it has to inspire for the greater
        just see but to feel and connect on a higher level to the  good, however unfortunately  many younger  artists
        world around us.                                      seem more concerned with making a name at whatev-
                                                              er cost than the pursuit of substance and the art world
                                                              which has become increasingly more commercial and
                                                              greedy, encourages this, frequently at the expense of
                                                              the artist for its own gain.

                                                              What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

                                                              To remain true to yourself, to paint with no purpose
                                                              other than to allow creation to work through you.

        What is your creative process like?

        There can be no art of merit if its purpose is other
        than allowing. The creative process for me is some-
        thing that happens through me, once a subject is cho-
        sen then it becomes secondary to that process, when
        there’s a stillness and a silencing of the mind, with no
        purpose but to allow, then the paint just seems to ebb
        and flow on the canvas, the more I can remain present
        the more fluid the process becomes for me, bringing
        my painting to places I couldn’t possibly otherwise
        have envisaged.
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