Page 12 - Art Reveal no8
P. 12

12  Art Reveal Magazine

        When,  how  and  why  started  your  art  dreams in your art practice.
                                                   This is  much  connected  to  intuition,  te-
        According to my dad (RIP) I was only  lepathy, which seems to develop to higher
        three when I wanted a pencil from my dad  levels as I get older and get more aware
        when i saw him drawing on the table. My  about those talents. I have been an athe-
        dad started as a self-taught artist, then by  ist for 37 years, and have spent ten years
        correspondence,  and then  later  , when  I  of my life in India as such. Just imagine…
        was barely nine, he took me and my eldest  an atheist in a country with thousands of
        sister to the Academy of fine Arts Sunday  gods and demigods. It was but in 2005
        lessons (4 hours in the morning and that  when  I  took  my  first  San  Pedro  (a  mes-
        for four years!)                           caline  cactus available  in Bolivia,  Peru,
                                                   Chile, and Argentina) potion, alone in a
        What is your creative process like?        hotel.  The  first  time  alone,  and  eating  it
                                                   instead of drinking, as there was no way
        Oh, that is a difficult one. I think anything  of boiling it in my room. My first visions
        can trigger off a bulk load of ideas. Some-  were impressive and I tried to make draw-
        times  I bottle  them  up, sometimes I set  ings, sketches in which I wanted to con-
        myself at the table and try to work out an  trol the colour choosing (red only) but I
        idea I had the month before or just after  failed in controlling that. My latest works
        I had a vision or a dream. Sometimes it  have been made this year in Peru. Three
        is the jitterbug in me, the restlessness that  months before I was told my mum was di-
        makes me want to create. Compulsion, if I  agnosed with an aggressive breast tumor,
        do not have canvas, paper or a brush. I am  I had a dream of how my mum stood by
        super productive and I will seek the means  (see it  at
        to express myself in any which way possi-  ing-WATCH-OUT-MUM-FOR-THE-PA-
        ble within the capacities I have in new or  PER-SNAKE/26453/2http://www.saatch-
        traditional media. I have traveled 30 years  my  side,
        and been to forty-two countries; now this  and how a paper snake with jaguar spots
        life is paying off in just picking from my  moved toward us from a shelf filled with
        baggage that I have carried with me for so  erect phalli. My mum reached out to touch
        long. Some things are created when they  the snake, I screamed “NOOOOO” but it
        need to be created. Like for installations  was too late. The snake bit her in her fin-
        or objet trouvé, I am collecting stuff I find  gers, and I woke up. As a shaman (some
        here and there on the streets in the nature  believe I am one) I must interpret my own
        and when the time is ripe, everything fits  dreams and visions. I had many more; also
        together like a jigsaw. I have lots of pre-  after the first time in La Paz, I had sever-
        monitions that make me make works as if  al on the Island of the Sun, on the Lake
        I pluck them from the air with my gut an-  Titicaca. After that I could never return to
        tennae.                                    the atheist belief. I channel different en-
        But basically, I just sit, retrieve a few lines  tities and speak in tongues when I am on
        or ideas from my head and let  it run. I  a high. Those trances (with  San Pedro,
        seem to have a natural talent for colors. I  ayahuasca, marihuana, chicha de jorra
        tap into previous lives. Yes, in my visions,  (a fermented maize drink from the Incas),
        I have been confirmed that I had several  sometimes have been the root and cause to
        in Central America. Once I asked Moth-     make videos, songs, poetry, sketches, and
        er Ayahuasca (the entheogenic vine from  paintings.
        the  Amazon) why I should continue  to
        paint while I see the best and finest art-  If you had an occupation outside of be-
        work when I travel on her. She answered  ing  an  artist,  what  would  that  be  and
        that it was my duty, my assignment to be a  why?
        storyteller through my artwork and that I
        should continue to do so and paint.        Throughout my whole  life,  always have
        Tell  us  something  about  the  lucid  been connected to the arts, close to nature,
                                                                                                  AMARU YAGE
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